rabbidlover01 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rabbidlover01/art/My-Crossover-Friendships-Meme-295670746rabbidlover01

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My Crossover Friendships Meme



10. Garu and Mario "Ninja Plumbers"

9. Pucca and Puma "Alternate Puccas"

8. Ed and Rayman "Slap-Happy Wackos"

7. Fat Princess and Edith Up "Big Eater Girls"

6. Sonic and Susan Strong "The Hyoomen and the Hedgehog"

5. Rosalina and Ed "Curious Wanders"

4. Garu and Sonic "The Chased"

3. Finn and Toon Link "Heroes of Time"

2. Pucca and Amy Rose "The Chasers"

And my number 1 crossover friendship is.....

1. Pucca and Finn "Funny Love Adventurers"

Part 2 -> [link]

Meme made by :iconcmara:
Blank meme: [link]
Image size
900x1172px 226.16 KB
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WickidlyStrange13's avatar
Yay! I love the Funny Love Adventurers and Curious Wanders. :D